Some special attributes and qualities of a good leader:
1) Orang yang bertaqwa
2) Kemampuan mental
3) Akhlak yang mulia
4) Minat dan kebolehan yang mulia
5) Kematangan
6) Kemahiran sosial
7) Kekuatan motivasi
8) Kemahiran komunikasi
These qualities could be found in rasulullah sollallahu alaihi wa sallam.
May we possessed these qualities. Insyaallah.
Alhamdulillah. Sudah lebih dari sebulan dalam NS. Ups and downs. Well, being a PO is not that easy.. Law test and etc. Too much things to write here.. Well, anything u guys can just pm me in msn.. Well, i manage to make a t baton to practice at home. haha.. gtg, lotsa test coming up.. do remember me
