Well, yesterday had a so called reunion dinner with my secondary school friends far east. Well, kinda great. Talk alot abt the past. Met other ex bps - Saw Samir near far east plaza. N Ismadi at Admiralty Mcd. I guess it was fated for us to be reunite after all.
Well, that someone gaf me tis.. so yah.. cute kn2.. heh..

Now, i have2 small bears and 2 hearts.. heh..

It feel so nice to hug a pillow tightly close to ur heart.. heh.. try it.. Feel the warmth.. heh.. Nvrtheless by doing this, i feel more relaxed.. lol
Tad pag ada bola tournament (open category). Manage to get into 2nd round. 32 teams in 8 groups. So each grp winner masuk 2nd round. 2nd round kalah 2-1. Sedih btul.. Nvmla.. I expect to win bt i tink kinda like ma mistake as a defender.
Ma youngest bro make me something.

heh.. so cute of ma bro.. he wants me to play dentist2.. n stick that wooden stick under ma gigi.
heh.. tad when he and ma younger sis je kt rumah.. he ckp he wants me to alek cepat2.. dgn suara lembut n manja2.. heh..
okaela.. enuf for now.. 8 more days..