Thursday, March 29, 2007
My personality.. keeps on changing... skjp berubah2.. kadang2 diam.. kadang2 bual sorg.. kadang2 asyik2 bbual je sampai irritate org.. heh..
I jus like peeps to tink negatif of me.. so that.. its a challenge for me.. aku ta korg mesti tk tau asal kn2.. bt then i like it tat way.. haha.. i knw im very weird...
tad training production.. lag one mth je.. kene buck up.. n lag2.. training nk dekat tiap2 hari..
so yeah.. pnt cket.. i gain experience.. bt tk pernah sey niat nk popular masuk ni...
well, ma heart been saying tat.. y cant we have a quality time together..?? tats all i need ... i need some high hope from u.. tats all.. kalo tkle tkpe..
haiz.. dunno la aku ni.. jus 2day feeling a little down.. tink shuld go somewhere alone.. emo sorg2 katekan..
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 7:54 PM
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
"Akan ku cinta diri mu
selagi hayat di kandung badan..
Adakah ini dinamakan cinta??
Ataukah ia satu kebodohan?? "
"Menatap wajahmu yg indah
membuat aku tersenyum seketika..
Ku cintakan mu ooo sayang..
Ku sayangkan mu ooo sayang.. "
"Demi cinta, aku sanggup buat apa2 utk mu..
sekalipun mendaki gunung everest ..
aku tdk akan melihat dirimu merana..
aku akan melindungmu.. percayalah.."
Wajahmu sungguh menawan,
memikat hati seribu pemuda..
namun ko tetap mencintai diriku,
yg tk seberapa hensem ini.. (hahaha..)
Hatiku hanya pd yg satu..
tiada dua dan tiada tiga...
engkaula kekasihku..
dari awal dan akhir (hmm..)
Jagalah dirimu baek-baek
jagalah anak-anak kite
moga insyaallah kite
akan berjumpe pd hari kemudian.. (mepek ni..)
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 11:02 PM
Lelaki smuanye
gatal!!! Kebnykan pompan ckp g2 la.. hmm.. laki ni
opportunists as wad ustadz hafiz kate.. heh.. maseh ingat aku..
ngah baca buku ni.. bab cinte.. keke...
quote this syair
"Dia katakan, seribu kali aku memeluknyaapa kau kira sudah cukup hanya dengan pelukan?kukatakan padanya, jagalah perasaan cintatangis pilu kerana hanya di perkataanapalah arti kenikmatan bagi seorang pemudacinta dalam perkataan tak sejalan degan perbuatan."Dunia adalah perhiasan dan sebaik2 perhiasan adalah wanita solehah.(diriwayatkan oleh Muslim)
"Semenjak perpisahan aku yg terakhir,
hatiku tlh terkunci dan tdk mahu menerima yg laen
Sudikah kamu menjadi org itu
yang akan membuka kunci-cinta di lubuk hatiku ini??
ish2.. emo sey aku..
doa2la kpd Allah s.w.t. moga aku dpt isteri yg terbaek.. keke..
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 9:57 PM
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
tad nenok crite kasih suraya..
woah.. sedih2.. da lama gwe tk nenok crite love2 gini.. nenokje mcm sedih sey.. need to tell maself nt to watch next time.. buat terkenang2 je kisah lama... bole terkeluar mate air aku ni..
emo plak..
well, apabile terkenang2 pas2 nye kekasih or admirer, aku rase mcm aku plak yg sedih2.. mcm tk tau la.. mcm hati sakit jgk terkenang bt then its all over.. jus forget n forgif.. history is history.. it will make me stronger...
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 12:35 PM
Monday, March 26, 2007
Ive always suke admire perempuan madrasah cos like dorang ni 'cream of the crop'. Mcm bagus gitu, dorang like bagus la gitu lag2 dorang ada bnyk ilmu agama..
bt then bkn smua bdk madrasah baek kn2..
secara pakaian mrk sungguh menawan hatiku, mcm so lady like kn2.. lagpun jual mahal gitu.. mcm power kn g2.. makin jual mahal makin ada chaallenge gitu.. rase mcm its funla to kejar tis type of gurl.. bt usually dorg da ada ramai admirer nye..
lagpun its a good way to test the guyla whether dorg2 btul2 cinte ke tk.. so that the guy tk play with the gurls heart.. lag2 pompan ni hati dorg lembut..
well, zaman skrg kbnykan bdk remaja kini ada mataer. Me too dulu ingin sngt ada mataer like, nk seseorg utk btul2 love u n btul2 care 4 u g2.. mcm best gitu kn2..
tapi kadang2 me lupe bahawa saya ada family yg menyayangi saya..
Walaupun keluarga ku cbuk esp ibu dan ayah tetapi mereka aamat menyayangi diriku..
Mereka selalu ingin terbaek utk anak2 nye.. lag2 mereka risau akan keselamatan esp terhadap anak perempuan.. tats y bapa slalunye risau akan anak gadis dier..
Cinta itu bole membuat seseorg buta..
Kadang2 ku rasenye ingin berjumpe dgn si kekasih tetapi itu nafsuku.. mestila mengawal.. ish2.. dahsyat..
Rasanye bagi bdk2 remaja, ibu bapa tk mengizinkan ada hubungan same like me.. dulu ibu larang, then after tat im open wit ma mum then she gif me kelonggaran bt then she nasihatkan me jgn kluar ngan pompan dua2an.. bt then aku buat jgk.. astaghfirullah..
LAg2 bagi seorg perempuan slalu nye parents dorg tk kasi klua ngan laki atau ada hubungan.. tkt2 apa jad.. so kene la menghomati keputusan mrk.. kalo tk, beriknla alasan yg munasabah mengpa.. well, jgnla nk klua ngan si kekasih sampai bohong kt ibubapa..
ini bnyk berlaku.. astaghfirullah.. moga2 terhindar.. buat baek berpada2, buat jahat jangan lag.
well, aku sendiri merase mcm wanted to have a family time together.. so that they will understand what we need.. aku sebagai laki suke have fun... like go outdoors.. maen bola sepak ke.. g rock climbing ke.. best2 jgk..
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 12:50 AM
Sunday, March 25, 2007
well.. love bacaan mishary n qiraat dier.. he baca one word by one word..
check his bacaan love nenok org baca different cara.. here tis is
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 12:35 PM
Saturday, March 24, 2007
hujan la kt sini.. waduuhh.. seramnye.. mlm2 hujan.. ada lightning lag.. langit kemerah-merhan..
seram-seram.. tanda2 nye sungguh menyeramkan.. moga2 aku dimatikan dlm keadaan muslim yg sempurna keimanan nye.. insyaallah..
well.. tad kt ma ma aunty.. layan bdk2.. maen playdoh n also maen pool table..
yep2 pool table..
yg kecik nye la of course.. cute sey.. best plak tu.. i tink its 6 in 1.. smua ada.. bole maen snooker, basketball,pool, n many2 more.. gerek jgk... shuld buy one n play..
Tunjuki la jln yg benar..ampunila dosa ku.. ameen
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 11:59 PM
Friday, March 23, 2007
hmm..went out movie.. nenok crite TMNT- teenage mutant ninja turtle.. heh..
one of ma favorite cartoon wen i was a kid... yeah.. mcmklakar kn2.. dulu nenok crite tu sampai hayal.. mak panggil then sahut je.. tapi tk dtg.. klakar.. kn2.. heh
nw at ma aunts place.. heh..
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 11:09 PM
Thursday, March 22, 2007
tad g john little kt specialist centre at somerset, maklum la ada offer so g la ngan ma elder sis n ma mum.. i hate shopping.. lag2 kadang2 berjam2 nk beli bende.. pilihla tu la nila.. heh.. nila test kesabaran aku..
bt then after tat dpt mkn pizza hut.. nyum2.. sedap kn2.. mkn 4 or 5 person nye meal..
pdhl ada 3 org je.. yg lahap aku la.. heh.. minum 2 gelas.. soup pun aku bedal dua.. ish2.. lahapnye.. heh..
then after tat alek..
thinking2.. was like very sad jgk.. org2 skrg makin kaya tk susah sngt.. tapi nk hulurkan duit 1 dolar utk kasi org yg handicap pun susah.. lagpun dorg kasi tisue free kn... hmm..
ntah la..
aku maseh kecik bapak aku slalu ajar utk donate.. g2la.. bt then nenok skrg makin kaya makin lokek..
dorg le ckp yg dorg bnyk susah nk tu ni.. pdhl.. nasib yg org tu lag malang.. kecian jgk..
like i said dunia nk kiamat.. aku hidup pun tk tahu sampai bile.. jus make use of the time to beramal jela.. moga2 aku tdk tergolong pd golongan yg stngh2 keimanan nye.. ameen. insyaallah...
planning for next sem wen skul starts.. need to get A*.. kene plan btul2.. more As plz.. insyaallah.. berusaha..
Wel, i do miz ma sweetheart though.. shes like
discipline in ma eyes.. like can wakeup early although tdo lambat n many2 more la.. aku ????
hmm.. bole jgk.. tapi slalu bangun, lepas subuh.. kekeke.. agak2 kul 545 g2 aru bangun although aku tdo siang jgk kul 12 or 1.. hmm.. tk sempat la.. bertahajud kpd yg maha esa.. truk beb.. kene usaha jgk..
jus look at the bad side of myself so i can be a
btr person.. n nt nenok keburukan org je.. mcm ape kn.. kate org mcm siak eh.. need to improve ma self..
Im thinking of joining Home United.. hmm.. well.. kene fikir kn jgk.. ntahla.. mcm real jek aku bagus.. kalo mcm c. ronaldo tkpe jgk.. need to get bk on ma best form 1st.. insyaallah.. kalo diizin tuhan mayb yes.. cos i always wanted to b a prof soccer player..
bt then
ilmu penting.. although maen bola, laen penting jgk.. like physics n many2.. bole improve soccer skills n so on.. kekeke..
mcm paham jek aku ni.. heh..
well entry panjang sngt.. heh..
to ma sweety-pie..
I anggap u like someone special, its all up to u to decide.. im nt forcing
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 6:07 PM
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Going to novena square, alone, i wanted to check out velocity.. "What's so great about velocity??", that's what crosses my mind recently. Jeng3.. Kapooooff..
You guys know what.?? Actually Velocity is a shopping village for those sports enthusiasts.. Equipments , accessories n etc could all be seen there.
Next, went to novena square 2, tempat dier mak oii.. heh.. kecik mcm kt penisular plak.. aku ni jln2 sambil analyse tempat.. maklum la engineer katekan ..eheh.. mcm paham jek aku ni..
sempit la nk jln kt situ.. hmm..
aku nampak kt paling atas tu ada kedai jual barang2 jepun, turun tangga bergerak plak, aku nampak kedai jual barang korean.. haizz.. mcm challenge nampak.. ntah la..
well, saya katekan novena square smua tu.. tk best sngt la.. one thing mcm tk sesuai tempat bag remaja la..
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 11:11 AM
Monday, March 19, 2007
Paradox of our times
fikirkan la.. adakah ia btull?? bag aku memang btull.. hmm..
-bigger homes, smaller families bt less time
-more degrees bt less common sense
-more knowledge bt less judgement
-more experts bt more problems
-more medicine bt less wellness
-spend too recklessly, drive too fast, laugh too little and pray too seldom
-mutiplied our possesions, bt reduce our values
-talk too much, love too little, lie too often
-learned to make a living, bt not a life
-added yrs to life, not life to yrs.
-taller buildings, bt shorter tempers
-wider freeways, bt narrower viewpoints
-spend more, have less
-buy more, enjoy it less
-been all the way to the moon and bk, bt having trouble crossing the street to meet our neighbours
-we've conquered outerspace, bt not innerspace
-we've split the atom, bt nt our prejudice
-write more, learn less
-plan more,accomplish less
-learn to rush, bt nt to wait
-higher incomes, lower morals
-have more computers to control more information and produce more copies bt have less communications
-long on quantity, lss on quality
-these are the time of fast foods and slow digestion
-tall men, short character
-more leisure, less fun
-more kinds of food, less nutrition
-two incomes , more divorce
-fancier homes, bt broken homes
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 11:04 AM
yesterday intention.. was to support ma skul performance,, although smua awek kn bt then tkde niat pun nk nenok awek.. heh.. so jgn la jeles.. heh.. well.. today her 1st day at werk,, heh,, hopefully its fine for her ..
i've learn something though,,, nenok prangai org2 melayu kite, mcm hilang budaya melayu, cara pakaian pun trpengaruh dgn arah globlalisasi atau daya barat.. sorry hor sape2 yg terase.. nvm,
wad ever i learn put it as a way on hw to settle with the youth nowadays.. hhe..
dikir barat bkn sahaja dgn paluan atau pekikan.. bt wad ive learn is tat isi kandungan yg disampaikan.. bentuk nasihat dan peringatan, ada yg berkata tentang tattoo, ada plak datok dier nasihat kn cucu.. heh.. cute jgk.. impt is tat ive learn more of the malay culture..
tkt2 jgk budaya kite berubah diombang modenisasi kn2.. hopefully kite sebagai org melayu jaga budaya dan juga akhlak sebagai org melayu dan jgk sebagai muslim sejati..
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 10:54 AM
Sunday, March 18, 2007

Nilah kumpulan adiratna smua awek la.. the only female team yg masuk pertandingan itu tau..
Gurl power
hmm.. nenok tu.. smua smngt.. jgn pandang mrk pompan, dorg tk kuat... jaga2...
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 11:52 PM
yippeee.. jus nw ma first time nenok dikir comp.. heh.. well fun la.. ada yg klakar.. ada yg mepek.. bt okae la overall.. well adiratna dpt 2 trophy, one is consolation and one is jeng3..

heh.. something like pakaian thingy hehe...
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 11:46 PM
Ya allah.. tabahkan hatiku supaya lebih mencintai insan mu yg mulia itu..
well, i guess ma heart is taken.. Cintaila wanita itu krn agamanya..
niatla segala2 pekerjaan krn Allah s.w.t.
rasulullah s.a.w. sebagai contoh trbaek.
always need to remind maself tat..
well, if u afraid to lose me, im afraid to lose u too..
heh.. need to haf some sleep.. tara
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 2:20 AM
Saturday, March 17, 2007
toking to one of ma fwen.. he told me abt his camp.. wad happened in the camp.. basically he told me tat one of his fwens kene
sampuk.. scary jgk kn kalo kene.. bt then kene ingat tuhan maha berkuasa.. hehe... although aku dulu pengecut bt then skrg da brani.. heh..dulu asyik2 tkt hantu.. haha.. bt then fikir2 mepek la aku ni.. heh..
ustadz ahmad blang aku mengenai hari kiamat.. dier trbace dlm kitab mengenai tanda2 hari kiamat.. mula2 dier ckp ia pd hari jumaat, then langit kekuning-kuningan mcm ni (tat time lepas solat jumaat).. was like shock la.. n dier tambah lag org yg stngh2 iman dier la yg hidup nanti.. was like omg..
adake aku iman stngh2.. ish2 tkt sey.. Ya Allah tambahkan keimanan dan berilah petunjuk..
Tringat aku apa yg pernah aku trbace..
sayangila Allah ya paling utama
kedua sayangila Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. dari laen..
Ya Allah matikan diriku sebagai muslim yg baek..
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 9:38 PM
hmm.. tad ingatkn ada bola bt then plak opponent plak tk dtg.. tkpe.. kene bnyk sabar.. lagpun aku pun pnt.. duduk uma pun best.. heh..
ingat nk tolong aunty drill bende bt then ma aunt bz so yeah...
so wad i can learn is tat kite bole merancang tuhan sahaja yg menentukan.
later one of ma madrasah fwen tunang, bt then tkde yg kwn laki2 peg. mcm sedih jgk.. at least mcm reunion ke... get together ke.. nvm.. dorg bz..
well people, love doesnt need to rush.. so im not rushing.. further more aku ni sape kn2.. so im nt rushing.. besok g Taman warisan sama kak Aina eh.. heh.. i wanna c n she wanna c too, so jus go together la.. heh..
well, for nw, i jus wanna relaks, tk nk bercinta2 sngtla, kalo org suke saya, adalah cara nk test org tu whether dier layak ke tk.. heh.. test dier nye keimanan n so many2. test hati murni dier.. heh.
kalo, tk anggap kwn2 je la.. heh.. sampai ada org yg benar mencintai ku.. kakakaaka.. btw, theres many gurl out there yg baek2 so tk ya la.. nk anggap dier ni special sngt until dier btul2 admit tat u're special..
da la tk nk jiwang2 sngt.. aku da retired dari jiwang2 ni.. hha
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 10:39 AM
Thursday, March 15, 2007
after referring to one ustadz tis is wad he told me abt solat thingy..
aku jahil.. tk suka memandai2 dlm bab agama..
Apakah yg dimaksudkan dgn solat itu mencegah dari perbuatan mungkar dan keji?? "Seseorang itu apabila menghayati solat bukan sekadar secara amali tetapi penghayatan tentang bacaan dan kaifiyah solat maka, dia akan sendiri menghindari dari perbuatan keji dan mungkar" dan tafsiran lain pula ulama' berkata "sesiapa yg menhayati solat maka hidupnya akan selamat daripada kemungkaraan"
Sila lihat tafsir imam sya'rawi atau tafsir jalalain atau tafsir kurtubi atau tafsir ibnu kathir, kalo tk percaye.. tats wad he says..
heh.. alhamdulillah.. learnt something beb.. heh
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 5:32 PM
something yg trfikir di benak fikiran gwe.
kalo solat itu mencegah dari perbuatan keji dan mungkar..
then jika solat itu batal akan krn kesalahan yg nyata pd bacaan, apakah ia akan mencegah dari perbuatan keji dan mungkar..?????
lag2 jika org itu dari kecil sampai besar asyik2 baca salah je.. Bagaimana???
gwe pun naek tkt tau.. Fikir sajala.. slama yg kite solat ini tk amek kire bab batal... buang tenaga bkn.. lebih baek gwe semak balek bacaan gwe.. samaada ia ه atau ح... ish2.. naek seram gwe..
lag baek check bacaan mule skrg...
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 4:49 PM
Wanna share something..
ON HW TO GET TO UR ADMIRERS NERVE/OR TEST HER PATIENT. (jus knwn recently admirers only)
-1stly say to her that ure madly i love with her although u just met
-say to her tat ure willing to die for her
-next write in ur blog saying tat u jus wanna be friends w/o telling her straight..
-tis time she'll really be confused and mad
-(TIS is optional) the next day tell her 'GOTCHA...'
( i tink by nw she're really gonna be mad at u for playing her heart, bt then its a good try to test whether shes da type of gurl hu is patient or nt..)
Me , myself had tried.
1/2 really get mad.
2/2 nt mad n forgiven me
haha.. try it. be careful.. or else she jus will ran away from u... or really u gonna get whack from her.. hahaha..jeng3
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 8:38 AM
Morning everyone.. today im feeling really well.. nothing to eat for breakfast so i decided to make pancakes.. yeah.. yummy2.. look at the pics below.. kah3..
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 8:37 AM

Tis was the pan-cakes tat i made.. yummy2.. looks nice hor.. i tink i had the skill to be a chef jus like ma bro.. kah3..
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 8:35 AM

Hmm nyum2.. yummy2 pancakes with honey.. .love it.
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 8:31 AM
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
yesterday toking to one of ma fwen till 1230am g2 kt mac.. was like quite interestingla.. on his life. haiz... tad log on npal then was like very disheartened sey.. sedih sey.. tengok result mcm gitu.. sape tk sedih lag2, ibu bapa yg ada high expectation... haizz... aku sendiri was like sakit hati jgk la.. i knw its ma fault.. tk tekun blaja. skrg rase no mood plak nk mkn.. cant tell u guys ape aku dpt.. namun dengan result gitu jgn harap nk masuk Uni.. bole blala nasir... haizz... sedih2.. hanya tuhan yg tahu.. nvm... its ma fault.. tinking2 wad should i do.. hopefully nxt sem will be a btr leap then tis sem.. nxt wk tat sumone da keje.. rindu plak.. nvm.. njpy being wit her.. after knowing her.. then i notice tat she is hardworking.. nt like me.. mayb she culd gif me some motivation.. nvm.. later we'll take degree together.. tat if we would b together.. miz her lots.. guess she miz me too.. (nasir tk tau malu).. OKaela. im feeling really down.. need to reflect wad haf i done...
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 12:17 PM
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Ini la pic tad tu.. ada nature walk kt mcritchie wit ma fellow belia masjid.. all da way from pasir ris park smlm, terus pergi sana.. penat jgk beb.. Nature walk was like very long.. kite jln2 agak2 11 km. satu mcritchie... enjoy da pics.. skr kt bawahh
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 5:40 PM
Nenok tu, penyu atau terrapin tu kene buli dengan bnyk ikan.. kecian kn2..
Ini kumpulan gwe, langit biru at 1st checkpoint.. aina,azizah,mael(left to right)
Permandangan yang cantik di mcritchie.. kah2.. panas tad.. mcm nk terjun je
Woah sape pompan2 ni.. Bini2 aku ler.. kah3 bkn la.. kakak2 kite.. senyum lebar sey
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 5:32 PM

Nilah kt ecp smlm.. ramai sngt org berpicnic..
Ada sampan tu har!!

Nenok sunset tu... Romanticnya dengan si dia... haha
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 5:28 PM
Yesterday sugguh hebat. Lepas habes dpi terus g elias rd utk picnic ngan family n cuz. gerek kn2.. so yah.. best2 la gitu.. lag2 mlm angin menderu2.. syyiiiookk.. tdo menggigil je la.. heres da pic
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 5:18 PM
Friday, March 09, 2007

FOr all OE peeps there will b a post mortem activity on 30th of march, pitnic most likely at ecp in the evening around 5pm. There will be food and drinks provided.
Make urself free on that day.
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 8:04 PM
Ada story menarik yang ingin disharekan.. Camat membaca n tell me wad happened??
Let me tell you a story about a little boy,he fell of a tree and broke his little toy,he went to mummy to show her his cut,but he couldnt find her.. and he suddenly fart,and then a while.. he heard a little scream,it came from the room where his mother's been,he heard another one like his mother's in pain,and he heard his mom say 'give me more, im in vain',He then heard a man's voice it sounded funny,like.. 'urgh urgh dooo it tooooo me'....,then he heard a very LOUD shout,it was his mom! then the voice was out,So he ran into the room.....,then...Oh My Goodness!!"You didn't lock the doors!!??" -dad" I didnt know.." -mom"Shit..He saw us." -dad"Dont say that!!" -mom"Well, the little boy knew 'the secret' then.." -dad"Its ok, sooner or later he'll know it too.." -momHmmmm....What do you think actually happened..?? Jeng3.. Fikir btul2...
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 7:59 PM

Amcm pic?? kah2. cute tk?? prasan je nasir.. heh..
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 7:52 PM
Thursday, March 08, 2007
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 6:00 PM
Guys gurls,do i look like a playboi?? Hopefully not. Ever since i broke up, well, got to meet diff types of gurl. Ada yg baek,
lawar,n many2 la. Jgn jealous tau. I jus thinking whether should i open ma heart to gurls. Since wen i make the 1st move??
kakaka.. ego plak ni.. Bkn ape everytime make the 1st move ada je tk kene. Lag baek tk payah kn! Skrg ni dpt tau yg da ada org suke, rase mcm alamak.. ape nk buat eh?? mcm mane eh?? ntah nk buat ape. dunno wad to do la.. lag2 kalo ramai suke aku...
ceh2.. mcm paham jek aku ni.. korg tahula diri maseng2 kalo terase.. bt im not a good guy.. im no warak.. im no ulama'. im jus a norm being sey, tk pandai tk bodoh sngt.. theres no special in me.. i felt like tat basically. asal ramai suke aku.. kah3..
prasan nasir...
I believe tat if we were meant to be together we will be together.. So kpd sape2 yg bercinta tu jgnla sampai buta kn diri awak trhadap laki tu.. Mcm org tua2 ckp cinta itu buta.. Btul la tu..
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 5:25 PM
Wadooooo.. maafkan aku ya Allah. Aku terfikir2 aku ni bnyk buat silap gitu.. Ngan family laen ngan kwn laen ngan Allah pun laen. Btul tk??
Especially ngan family, ngan ibu lag yg tlh melahirkan lag, ibu suruh buat tu, kite tk buat. Brape saket hati dier, lag2 dierla yg tlh sakit pedihnya melahirkan. Bapa ckp cket pun tk dengar.. Gitula manusia.. Lag2 zaman skrg.. Bdk2 ingat dorg pandai sngt, sampai tk dengar kata mak bapak.. Kite asyik buat silap tanpa meminta maaf..
Pernah tk at least one day ckp or tiap2 hari ckp "Maafkan saya eh, saya bnyk buat silap". Aku sendiri susah nk ckp gitu.. Ego agaknye. Kalo ngan makwe agaknye senang la tu.. Kalo ngan ibu bapa, bagaimana?? Sopan santun dan adab trhdp ibubapa tk ade gitu. Itula akhlak manusia smkn tercemar. ish2..
Mcm mane nk atasi smua ni..
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 5:07 PM
Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Apakah kita sudah bersedia menghadapi kematian???

Lihatla brapa gelap dan dalam akan kubur itu.. Bagaimana?
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 11:55 AM
So hols is here.. Here am i planning wad to be done tis hols.
1) Kemas uma.
2) Planning for the upcoming events for yaqinians( Youth of almuttaqin)
3) Helping ma mum of course.
4) Finding a part time job.
Surah al-baqarah ayat 281:
Dan peliharalah dirimu dari (azab yang terjadi pada) hari yang pada waktu itu kamu semua di kembalikan kepada Allah. Kemudian masing-masing diri diberi balasan yang sempurna terhadap apa yang telah dikerjakannya, sedang mereka sedikitpun tidak dianiayai (dirugikan).
Lagi satu
Surah al-maaidah ayat 3 (part of it)
Pada hari ini telah ku sempurnakan untuk mu agamamu, dan telah kucukupkan kepadamu nikmatku, dan telah ku ridhai islam itu jadi agama bagimu.
hmm.. sedih2 bkn. bagaimana nanti hidup kita di kubur atau hari kemudian?? gelapke..
tiada cahaya ke?? tk nampak apa2 ke.. sesungguhnya allah sahaja yg mengetahui..
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 11:32 AM
Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Collage from cikgu. Sungguh bermakna. Hayati n mahami la isi kandungannya
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 2:10 PM
Sunday, March 04, 2007
For all those who were free on 18th march, come down and support NP Malay cultural club dikir barat in a competition at Taman Warisan. Entrance is $6.
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 11:39 AM
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Actually i miz those peeps who were there at JAnda Baik. Haizz.. sedih2..
Till we meet again ma fwen.
Actually i hate myself for infatuating with other gurls. I jus wanna restrict maself not to fall in love. Even if i still had feelings, i jus scared that i will neglect her. Infatuate by someone kt Janda BAik, cant tell who. Its all secret. Loving someone is great. But neh. I wish tat whoever ma wife is, she would be a great gurl with pleasant personality.
New president for MSS- TaufikVice president - RiduwanGood luck guys. All da best for upcoming days.
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 8:45 AM
OE is finally
over. Im glad tat at least one task is complete. Ive tried ma best. It all depends on the participants too. So thks for all the participants for making it fun and adventurous.
Heres the things tat we do at Pahang, Janda Baek, Latto Charok Chalet.
Day 1:
we arrived at the chalet arnd 6. then we set up tent, had tea break, then at nite we had culture show. Culture show was great, small kids clad in baju wedding gown and also baju kurung. They also had kompang and candle dance or tarian lilin. So cute u knw.. Then we slot some time for karoake.. kkekeke.. shiok jgk..
Day 2:
early morning woke up, prayer, breakfast, then we go jungle trekking to waterfall, at waterfall was syiokk too. we played captains ball using bottle. then we trek back . we had some telematch after tat. After that, we had nite walk. Nite walk was fun esp wen only the comm hold on the torchlight. kekeke.. gerek sey..
we had rubber tapping demo, then we go for flying fox, followed by water confidence, we played water polo and so on in a tasik gitu or valley la.. then we trek to the waterfall for our abseiling or can yorning. i nt sure hw it is spelt. It is u go down the waterfall using rope. But only some tried as it is getting late. We need to trek back down abt an hour. So halfway down, it is so dark that u cant see, only a few brought their torchlight. Fun2.. After that we had campfire and performance.. Performance were well done from group 2. Their skit was creative. keke.. For me, i love acting. Esp wen i got the chance to b a gurl. keke.. Then we ate dinner or supper. After tat, me n some of the rest gather together and had some chit chat sey..
Day 4: Its the last day of OE, we had breakfast and prize presentation. TO those whu win tis yr. All da best aite.. We left janda baek, its kinda sad. Esp wen we had great memory together. sedih2 sey. till nw still sad sey.. next destination, we go to petaling street to shop. lots of stuff tat is like so cheap. then we went back to spore..
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 8:15 AM