Friday, February 23, 2007
Ni lah lyric nasyid yg akan didengkan oleh rakan2 belia aku pada Maulid Nabi nanti..
Btw ni mcm nasyid gitu bkn mcm dikir barat tau..
Allah, Allah Allah Ya Allah
Ya Muhammad,Ya Rasulullah,
Ya Muhammad,Ya Habibullah,
Tidak dapat dibayangkan,
Seandai kita tidak berpanduan,
Akan hanyut dan terus tenggelam,
Di dunia yang penuh durjana, (solo)
Ya Nabi Saalamun 'Alaik,
Ya Rasul Saalamun 'Alaik,
Ya Habibi Saalamun 'Alaik,
Dengan ilmu mu yang tajam,
Memusnah musuh yang kejam,
Biar musuh memutih di bumi,
Namun undur tidak sekali, (solo)
Sungguh kau berhati kota,
Bersemengat besi waja,
Kau pesuruh Allah pencipta,
Wajahmu terbayang di ruang mata,
Sejarah tetap menjamin,
Jasamu pasti menjamin cermin,
Obor semesta negara sentosa,
Dua panduan yang disedia,
Panduan Al-quran dan sunnah,
Peninggalan mu yang berharga,
Dijadikan undang undang dunia,
Supaya dunia aman bahgia
Nabi Muhammad pesuruh Allah,
Penghulu Nabi berdarjat tinggi,
Engkau hadir bagai purnama,
Menerangi alam semesta,
Ya Allah shumusil Huda,
Shuyukhil wara' Nujumin nada,
Bihi naslamu minkulli adza,
Bi qadrillah Ya Allah,
Alhamdulillah kita mulakan,
dikir ini dengan selawat,
Allahumma solli ala sayyidina muhammad
wa'ala alihiu wa sohbihi wasallim,
ya kariim,
Moga bersama beroleh berkat,
inilah dia dikir kifarat.
Marilah mari kita bersama,
bersatu pada membangun ummah,
agar hidup kita selamat,
dari dunia hingga akhirat,
Al-quran itu jadi panduan,
sunnah rasulnya jadi ikutan,
keduanya itu sebagai pegangan,
semoga kita tak kekesalan,
Hai adik kakak hai tuan puan,
kami ingin beri pesanan,
kalau ada salah cakap,
ampun maaf kami pohonkan,
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 10:38 AM
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
thk god.. ma x forgave me.. im so blessed with that.. At least, she did forgave me..
Actually,she called me jus nw. We had a tok. She told me abt her life as usual n tell me abt hw her skul mates had change a lot lately.. I was like so sad to knw her situation like that.. She told me that her bestfwen told her that her bestie tk anggap her like her best lag.. That was sad for her la.. So i was like sedih jgk la for her. So yah. So i'll jus keep on eye on her so that everything in her life wen on smoothly.. She even had some problems with her studies, in da sense that she tk smngt gitu nk blaja.. She did mention that mayb she wanna tukar gi skola madrasah.
hmm.. i dun mind abt that.. At least she'll be happy, i'll be happy for her..
Lately, ive been thinking Y gejala sosial semakin menular.. Like y asians are becoming more like westerns in their culture.. mm.. mayb,cos of pengaruh2 barat yg tk sihat kot.. haizz.. i did think abt ma future hw naughty would ma child be n so on.. Kiamat pun nk dekat, so tk mustahil org ramai asyik cbuk mencari kelumayan dunia sehingga trlupe akan kenikmatan akhirat.. manusia2.. lag2 ada stngh2 yg asyik bekerja je sehingga trlupe akan tanggung jawab anaknye.. lag2 dunia skrg bnyk pengaruh2 negative.. kalo tdk mendidik dgn btul, mrk akan mudah dijerat.. ginila.. on the long run.
nilah yg aku fikirkan di kepala otak aku ni.. one after the other.. Dunia ni hanya sementara.. Aku fikir btul2 pun, aku rase aku tk akan hidup begitu lama jgk.. mmm
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 12:40 AM
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Here are some msges that makes me laugh n some touches ma heart.. heh.. quite funny.. share with u guys..
1.You don't have to love in words, even through the silences love is always heard.
2.It's ok to kiss a fool.
It's ok to let a fool kiss you.
But never let a kiss fool you.
3.No man is worth your tears and the only one who is will never make you cry.
4.What do you do when the only person who can make you stop crying is the person who made you cry?
5.Don't settle for the one you can live with, wait for the one you can't live without.
6.You can fall from the sky.
You can fall from a tree.
But the best way to fall.
Is in love with me.
7.If you live for 100 more days, then I want to live for 100 more days minus one so that I'd never have to live without you.
8.Do you love me because I am beautiful, or am I beautiful because you love me?
9.Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I walk by again?
10.Love is like an hour glass, the brain empties as the heart fills up.
11.Whats better? A lie that draws a smile or the truth that draws a tear?
12.They say love hides behind every corner... I must be walking around in circles.
13.If you love me, let me know. If you don't, then let me go.
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 2:48 PM
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Ya allah napa ngan aku ni.. Haizz.. aku ni semacam.. kadang2 okae. kadang2 tk okae.. i felt mcm aku ni kehilangan sesuatu dlm hidup aku iaitu seseorg utk mendorong aku bergigih berusaha.. lag2 selepas aku putuskan hubungan yg sebelumnya.. aku rase bagaikan aku ni kurang kasih syg,pdhl kwn2 ramai jgk..
hmm.. ape yg aku nk skrg ni??
nila maseh aku terfikir2.. okla, sebenarnya apa itu cinta?? pd maseh tu sampai skrg maseh lag aku trfikir2... aku sebenarnya skrg ni hanya mendahagakan perhatian.. mcm kurang gitu.. aku kt class dpi masetu ckp sorg sampai taufik tegur.. Hmm.. Apsal eh??
mayb aku susah nk luahkan ape yg terpendam di hatiku ini tk.. agaknye la..
Actually currently aku pun mcm binget ngan diri aku ni.. Sape yg aku syg kn ni??
Aku tk mahu mempermainkan hati wanita..sekali dipermainkan nanti susah..
I've tok to many gurls bt i dunno sape yg memiliki akhlak yg sempurna.. bt nw, i jus wan to haf sumone tat i can really tok openly with.. gitu la..
kalo ngan ibubapa tk sedap hati plak..
Mayb, should find sumone yg bole luangkan mase bersama.. hmm.. whu would tat be??
Mayb, im jus too emo tk.. ntahla..
I jus wish ma x can jus 4 gif me.. I jus dun mean to break her heart..
If a gurl loves u, would u wanna wanna luv her as she luvs u?? paham??
Mayb bole dipertiraikan..
Aku sedih2..
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 11:48 PM
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Nari ibu ku lambat cket masak maklumla CNY kedai bnyk tutup namun ibu suruh aku masak maggi.. aku da lama tk masak, tapi masak jela.. maggi je kn.. bkn masak asam rebus ke..briyani ke??
Nila maggi curry satu je pkt yg ada.. ape lag bedal la
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 11:28 PM
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 11:24 PM

Ngah mendidih kn air tu kt dlm tu ar.. Nenok tu..
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 11:22 PM

Nah mskkn mee dengan perencah kt dlm periuk tu.. Oops tk letak sayur..
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 11:21 PM

Nilah maggi aku..Da siap pun.. Lihat only mee ngan kuah je.. Tk healthy bkn..
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 11:17 PM
aku rase aku nk tukar blog skin. nanti la mlm aku tukar.. mcm mepek gitu.. k la..
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 1:10 PM

smlm aku g potong rambut ginila.. muke mcm mamat cinekn2.. heh.. ok tk???
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 12:46 PM
Friday, February 16, 2007

nah nenok.. kan da melalak.. kecian bdk tu... siapa nye slh ni??
eeee.. bestnye ada anak kn2.. heh.. org ingat aku tk btul.. tapi best tau ada bdk2 kecik utk maen2 dgn.. heh..
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 9:33 AM

Kn2 nenok la da nangis dlm bakul baju.. carik ibuk.. "mamii" "mamii"
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 9:29 AM

Aik... da senyum plak.. tad nangis.. ginila adik kecik aku.. skjp nangis skjp senyum.. agaknye aku kecik gini tk..
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 9:24 AM

Ni lah pic yg terbaru.. mengisahkan adik2 aku dua ni.. satu muke cute mcm abg dier .. lag satu ikut mak dier.. mak aku jgk la.. kecian nenok adik aku kecik tu.. ngah nangis2.. ada je org menyakat dier..
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 9:12 AM
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
It has been authentically reported from the Prophet (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) that he said:
(( إِذَا دُبِغَ الإِهَابُ فَقَدْ طَهُرَ ))
((Once a skin has been tanned. It is pure.)) [Muslim no: 336 and Abu Dawud no: 4123]
And he (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said:
(( دِبَاغُ جُلُودِ الْمَيْتَةِ طُهُورُهَا ))
((Tanning the skin of a dead animal purifies it.)) [Muslim no: 336 and Abu Dawud no: 4125]
Scholars have disagreed in this regard: Does this Hadith include all types of leather, or does it refer only to the skins of animals that have been made permissible through slaughter? There is no doubt that the skin of any dead animal which has been made permissible through slaughter, such as the camel, the cow, the sheep etc, is pure, and it is permissible to use it for everything, according to the most authorative opinion of the scholars.
As for the skin of the pig and he dog and other such animals, which are forbidden to slaughter, there is a difference of opinion regarding its purity amongst the scholars.
The best thing is to avoid using it, based upon the words of the Prophet (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam):
((مَن اتَّقَى الشُّبُهَاتِ فَقَدْ اسْتَبْرَأَ لِدِيْنِهِ وعِرْضِهِ))
((Whoever avoids those matters which are unclear, has protected his religion and honour.)) [Al-Bukhari no. 52 and Muslim no. 1599]
And his words:
((دَعْ مَا يُرِيْبُكَ إِلَى مَا لاَ يُرِيْبُكَ))
((Leave whatever causes you to doubt, in favour of whatever does not cause you to doubt)) [At-Tirmithi no. 2518]
Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2, p39-40, DARUSSALAM.
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 8:31 AM
*A reference to the Hadeeth of Al-‘Irbaad ibn Saariyah (radhiyallaahu ‘anhu) who said, ‘The Messenger of Allaah (Sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) admonished us with an admonition. The eyes shed tears due to it the hearts became fearful because of it. So someone said, ‘O Messenger of Allaah! It is as though this is a farewell sermon, so what do you enjoin upon us?’ He said:
((I advise you to have fear of Allaah; and to listen and obey – even if the one who is given command over you is a Habashi slave. For indeed whosoever lives from amongst you after me, then he shall see many differences. So upon you is my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the Rightly-Guided Khulafaa. Hold onto it firmly and bite onto it with your molar teeth and beware of the newly invented affairs. Since every newly invented affair is an innovation, and every innovation is a misguidance.))
Reported by Aboo Dawood 4/200-201 & At-Tirmidhee 5/45 & Ibn Maajah 1/67 & Ahmad in his Musnad 4/126 and others. It was declared Saheeh (authentic) by Shaikh Al-Albaani in his Saheeh Sunan Abee Dawood 3/118-119 Hadeeth 4607. (Translators note)
Shaykh Rabee` bin Haadee
Taken from the audio cassette entitled: 'Al-Makhraj minal fitan' (no.1)
Translated by Aboo Haatim Muhammad Farooq
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 8:15 AM
Monday, February 12, 2007
The Ruling on Writing on Graves.. Sesungguhnya allah yg lebih mengetahui ...Question:Is it permissible to place a metal strip or an inscription on the grave of a dead person containing Qur'anic Verses, plus the name of the dead person, the date of the death etc?
Answer:It is not permissible to write on the grave, neither Qur'anic Verses, nor anything else, whether in metal or on a sign or on anything else. This is because of what has been authentically reported from the Prophet Salallaahu alayhi wasallam in the Hadith of Jaabir, may Allaah be pleased with him, that he forbade plastering over the graves, sitting on them and building over them. (Muslim no.970)This was narrated by Muslim and At-Tirmithi, and An-Nisa'i added with an authentic chain of narrators: "and writing on them."(at-Tirmithi no.1052)
Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, vol.1, p.182, DARUSSALAM
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 7:57 PM
jus sitting at home all alone.. actually i hate sitting all alone.. lag2 sorg. mcm boring gitu walaupun gt tv n so on. i prefer to go out wit ma fwens. bbual ke. or mayb g masjid ke.. ni duduk uma sorg2.. hmm. mayb should jus go out.. amek angin..
even kalo nk blaja sorg2 kt uma, tk gerekla. where should i go eh?? nanti aku fikirkan.
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 10:18 AM
a person is learning fiqh from one of the four madhhabs, then he sees a hadeeth that opposes his madhhab; and so he follows it and leaves his madhhab - then this is recommended, rather it is obligatory upon him when the proof has been made clear to him. This would not be considered as opposing his Imaam that he follows, since they - Abu Haneefah, Maalik, ash-Shaafiee and Ahmad, radiallaahu anhum ajmaeen - were all agreed upon this fundamental principle.
... As for the case whereby a person does not have any evidence which opposes the view of the scholars of the madhhab, then we hope that it is permissible to act upon it (the madhhab), since their opinions are better than our own opinions; they took their proofs from the sayings of the Companions and those who came after them. However, it is not essential to declare with certainty (al-jazm) that this is the Shareeah of Allaah and His Messenger, until the proof that is not contradicted in this issue is made clear. This is the action of the Salaf of this Ummah and its scholars - both previous and recent - as well as that which they criticised: namely having bigotted partisanship for particular madhhabs and leaving off following the proof... However, if there becomes clear to him something which necessitates preferring one saying over another; either due to detailed proofs if he knows and understands them, or because he holds one of the two people to be more knowledgeable about this matter and having more piety about what he says, and so he leaves the saying of that one for the saying of the other one - then this is permissible, rather it is obligatory. And there is a text from Imaam Ahmad concerning this.
Shaykh ul-Islaam Muhammad bin `Abdul-Wahhaab
Ad-Durur-Saniyyah (4/7).
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 10:15 AM
Sunday, February 04, 2007
teringat kau psl ego. kalo trpikir2 ni, aku punye ego dahsyat jgk.. sebagai contoh .. ibu nk beli kn ni tu, aku ckp tkyah la, bazir duit.. pdhal kadang2 aku nk bende tu bt then rase mcm bebani plak. ginila lelaki.. kadang2 pompan ckp laki smua ego sey..memang da lumrah seorg lelaki utk menolak nye.. bt then its a positive way.. tapi kadang2 plak, nanti rugi plak. in da sense tat nanti ko plak yg susah kn diri sendiri.. hmm, entah la. manusia ni smua ginila.. bnyk punye dorg nye ego.. aku tk trkecuali.. kecuali hanya sedikit saje yg tk. hmm.. tkpela.. kene practice tk mahu ego... kakakaka..
exam nk dekat ni.. aku nye prog project blum habes ni.. kene cepat habes kn kene send by nari.. trpakse rush.. da la tad satu hari klua.. dari pag g jogging sampai kt wdlnd stadium then exercise cket.. alek tnghari plak.. maen bola.. da pnt sey.. trpakse je la buat.. insyaallah bole buat.. kene rush2..
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 4:31 PM
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Would miss all my poly fwens if tis sem is ma last.. Hopefully can mt u guys up later.. Lost contact with ma pri n sec skul mates.. sad2.. Haizz.. hmm.. wats on ma head??? geeedddisshh.. whack ma head..
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 10:46 AM
Hmm.. Sedekahla.. Bkn semestinye duit kn2.. inilah kisah seorg hamba allahPada suatu malam bertepatan malam Jumaat Salih Al Mazi pergi ke Masjid
jamik untuk mengerjakan solat subuh. Kebiasaannya ia berangkat Awal
sebelum masuk waktu subuh dan melalui sebuah pekuburan. Di situ Salih
Duduk sekejap sambil membaca apa-apa yang boleh mendatangkan pahala bagi
ahli kubur memandangkan waktu subuh masih lama lagi.
Tiba-tiba dia tertidur dan bermimpi melihat ahli-ahli kubur keluar
beramai-ramai dari kubur masing-masing. Mereka duduk dalam
kumpulan-kumpulan sambil berbual-bual sesama mereka. Al Mazy ternampak
seorang pemuda ahli kubur memakai baju kotor serta tidak berkumpul
dengan ahli-ahli kubur yang lain.
Dia duduk seorang diri di tepi kuburnya dengan wajah murung, gelisah
kerana sedih. Tidak berapa lama kemudian datang malaikat membawa
beberapa talam yang ditutup dengan saputangan. Seolah-olah seperti
cahaya terang gemerlapan. Malaikat mendatangi para ahli kubur dengan
membawa talam-talam itu, tiap seorang mengambil satu talam dan dibawanya
masuk ke dalam kuburnya.
Semua ahli kubur mendapat satu talam seorang sehingga tinggallah si
pemuda yang kelihatan sedih itu seorang diri tidak mendapat
apa-apa.Dengan perasaan yang sedih dan duka dia bangun dan masuk semula
ke dalam kuburnya.Tapi sebelum dia masuk Al Mazy yang bermimpi segera
menahannya untuk bertanyakan keadaannya.
"Wahai hamba Allah! Aku lihat engkau terlalu sedih mengapa?" tanya Salih
Al Mazy. "Wahai Salih, adakah engkau lihat talam-talam yang dibawa masuk
oleh malaikat sebentar tadi?" tanya pemuda itu. "Ya aku melihatnya. Tapi
apa benda di dalam talam-talam itu?" tanya Al Mazy lagi.
Si pemuda menerangkan bahwa talam-talam itu berisi hadiah orang-orang
yang masih hidup untuk orang-orang yang sudah mati yang terdiri dari
pahala sedekah,bacaan, ayat-ayat suci Al Quran dan doa.
Hadiah-hadiah itu selalunya datang setiap malam Jumaat atau pada hari
Jumaat.Si pemuda kemudian menerangkan tentang dirinya dengan panjang
lebar. Katanya dia ada seorang ibu yang masih hidup di alam dunia bahkan
telah berkahwin dengan suami baru. Akibatnya dia lupa untuk bersedekah
untuk anaknya yang sudah meninggal dunia sehingga tidak ada lagi orang
yang mengingati si pemuda.
Maka sedihlah si pemuda setiap malam dan hari jumaat apabila melihat
orang-orang lain menerima hadiah sedangkan dia seorang tidak
menerimanya. Al-Mazy sangat kasihan mendengarkan cerita si pemuda.
lalu ia bertanya nama dan alamat ibunya agar ia dapat menyampaikan
berita keadaan anaknya.Si pemuda menerangkan sifat2 ibunya. Kemudian Al
Maizy terjaga. Pada sebelah paginya Al Maizy terus pergi mencari alamat
ibu pemuda tersebut. Setelah mencari kesana kemari beliaupun berjumpa
ibu si pemuda tersebut lantas menceritakan perihal mimpinya.
Ibunya menangis mendengar keterangan Al maizy mengenai nasib anaknya
yang merana di alam barzah. Kemudian ia berkata : "Wahai Salih ! Memang
betul dia adalah anakku. Dialah belahan hatiku, dia keluar dari dalam
Dia membesar dengan minum susu dari dadaku dan ribaanku inilah tempat
dia berbaring dan tidur ketika kecilnya." Al Maizy turut sedih melihat
keadaan ibu yang meratap dan menangis penuh penyesalan kerna tidak ingat
untuk mendoakan anaknya selama ini.
"Kalau begitu saya mohon minta diri dahulu." kata Al maizy lalu bangun
meninggalkan wanita tersebut. Tatkala dia cuba untuk melangkah si ibu
menahannya agar jangan pulang dahulu. Dia masuk ke dalam biliknya lalu
keluar dengan membawa wang sebanyak seribu dirham. "Wahai Salih, ambil
wang ini dan sedekahkanlah untuk anakku,cahaya mataku. Insya Allah aku
tidak akan melupakannya untuk berdoa dan bersedekah untukya selama aku
masih hidup." Salih Al Maizy mengambil wang itu disedekahkannya kepada
fakir miskin sehingga tidak sesenpun dari seribu dirham itu yang
Dilakukannya semua itu sebagai memenuhi amanah yang diberi kepadanya
oleh ibu pemuda tersebut.
Pada suatu malam Jumaat di belakang selepas itu, Al Maizy Berangkat ke
masjid jamik untuk solat jamaah. Dalam perjalanan sebagaimana Biasa ia
singgah di perkuburan. Di situlah ia terlena sekejap dan bermimpi
melihat ahli-ahli kubur keluar dari kubur masing2. Si pemuda yang
dulunya kelihatan sedih seorang diri kini keluar bersama-sama dengan
memakai pakaian putih yang cantik serta mukanya kelihatan sangat
gumbira. Pemuda tersebut mendekati Salih Al Maizy se raya berkata :
"Wahai tuan Salih, aku ucapkan terima kasih kepadamu. Semoga Allah
membalas kebaikanmu itu.
""Hadiah dari ibuku telah ku terima pada hari jumaat." katanya lagi.
"Eh, Engkau boleh mengetahui hari Jumaat ?" tanya Al Maizy. "Ya, Tahu."
"Apa tandanya?" "Jika burung-burung di udara berkicau dan berkata
"Selamat selamat pada hari yang baik ini, yakni hari Jumaat." Salih Al
Maizy terjaga dari tidurnya.Ia cuba mengingati mimpinya dan merasa
gumbira kerana sipemuda telah mendapat rahmat dari Allah disebabkan
sedekah dan doa dari ibunya.
(Petikan kisah Wali-Wali Allah (2) terbitan syarikat Nurulhas).
"Sebarkanlah ajaranku walau satu ayat pun"(Sabda Rasulullah SAW) Nescaya
Allah memperbaiki bagimu amalan-amalanmu dan mengampuni bagimu
Dan barangsiapa mentaati Allah dan Rasul-Nya, maka sesungguhnya ia telah
mendapat kemenangan yang Besar."
(Surah Al-Ahzab:71)"
That's it for now.. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, 10:29 AM